
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Joke of the day

  Worship At Home  

      A Scotch Presbyterian clergyman tells the story of a parishioner who formed a secession with a few others unable to accept the doctrines of the church. But when the clergyman asked this man if he and the others worshiped together, the answer was:
      "No. The fact is, I found that they accepted certain points to which I could not agree, so I withdrew from communion with them."
      "So, then," the clergyman continued, "I suppose you and your wife carry on your devotions together at home."
      "No, not exactly," the man admitted. "I found that our views on certain doctrines are not in harmony. So, there has been a division between us. Now, she worships in the northeast corner of the room and I in the southwest."

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