
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Every life has different seasons, & in the interest of our sanity it is important that we recognize them.You need to take opportunities to 'spiritually' 'get away'. Rest in God. Grow in God. Set aside time to not only rest your physical bod...y, but your spirit as well. We all need it. To remember who you are, whose you are, & what your purpose is. Re-focused & refreshed, we are then able to face the day renewed in Christ's strength.
Jesus' rest is not an optimistic option. It is required for our souls to stay strong that we may fight the good fight all the way to the end. If you feel tired physically, emotionally, spiritually, then stop. For a moment, or longer. However long it takes, as Jesus often did, pull away from the throng to sit @ the Father's feet & receive from Him the love you need to continue. Take a nap. Put off laundry long enough for a simple walk. But take Jesus up on His offer. He hears your cry & welcomes you to come to Him for rest.

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