
Monday, December 13, 2010

Being sick

If the trials, especially lately for me being this sick, are particularly tough, trusting God tends to be easier for me. Bad health. These are trying times, indeed--but they fall so far above my control that it is easier to commit them to t...he Lord & rest in His will. All I can do in these situations is pray anyway, & the peace that the Lord promises inevitably comes. It always does. It never leaves me. I rest in Him, because I have to, because I want to, because I need to.
My battle rages more on the filed of trivialities--where my bills pile up, family might stress me out, my list of to-dos seems overwhelming, because I can't do them, they become my un-doables. I seem to sweat the small stuff, because in my mind--these things are my domain, my responsibiltiy, & my fault if I fail to do them.
Somewhere in my mental compartment God is relegated to the 'big' & 'important' events, while I flouder around in the daily details that drag me down in stress & despair.
When the Spirit is leading, I can detect my distraction from a godly focus.
I 'breathe out' all the events that are stressing me out, & I breathe in the reality of God's sovereignty(even in the details) & simply relax. It requires not only identyfying my mental state, but also excusing myself from the fray that is causing it--if only for a moment--to refocus on Christ.
When I do let my requests be made known to God, the same peace that pervades my soul in the serious crisis comes over me in the midst of my mundane day & prepares my heart to joyfully handle every trial & triumph God brings my way. It doesn't seem so 'big' or 'scary' to face them anymore. I suddenly realize that it's 'ok'. It's okay to let go and leave things undone. I can't do it anyway. So, I let go, and relax.

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