
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Joke of the day

  100 Per Cent Polar Bear  

      One afternoon in the artic, a father polar bear and his polar bear son were sitting in the snow. The cub turned to his father again and said: "Dad, am I 100 per cent polar bear?"
      The father replied: "Of course, son, you're 100 per cent polar bear."
      A few minutes later, the cub turned to his father again and said: "Dad, tell me the truth. I can take it. Am I 100 per cent polar bear? No brown bear or black bear or grizzly bear?"
      The father answered: "Son, I'm 100 per cent polar bear, your mother is 100 per cent polar bear, so you are definitely 100 per cent polar bear."
      The cub seemed satisfied, but a few minutes later he turned to his father once more and said: "Dad, don't think you're sparing my feelings. I've got to know. Am I 100 per cent polar bear?"
      The father was becoming distressed by the continual questioning and said: "Why do you keep asking if you're 100 per cent polar bear?"
      The cub said: "Because I'm freezing!"

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