
Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Had a pretty rough day today...:-( These broken ribs are really taking forever to heal, & a toll on my body....I couldn't get to sleep at all last night, finally got some sleep this evening, & hopefully will be able to sleep some tonight. The problem is, no matter how I try to lay, the ribs are moving, rubbing around, & it's very painful....ugh! I hate this SO much...this constant sickness, or pain! I don't remember ever signing up for this! lol So, anyway, keep me in your prayers...I'd appreciate it.,...& just know that I have started on another book, well, 3 actually, hahaha, I do that all the time, start 1, then I get another idea, sometimes up to 4 different ideas, anyway, gonna try to get back to it, & then hopefully, get some shut eye....g'night all, & God bless!! :-D--Angela

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