
Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I simply HATE pain!! UGH!!! For those of you who know me know I have been 3 months now battling pneumonia & broken ribs which were caused by excessive coughing from the pneumonia. After countless hours, & tons of money thrown down the drain, & all this agony for well, 4 months now, my Doctor realized what was causing blood pressure medicine! Lisinopril...fort hose of you who may be on it, be fore warned, it can, & does cause chronic & excessive coughing! So, once we gathered that, last Monday, I went off of it. And so, the healing immediately began. I was, & is so happy! I had stopped coughing at once, & immediately started feeling better, & my ribs started healing as well, which meant less pain & fewer pain pills......until now....I had went back to work, have been doing great, but then this heat wave has struck our area, & for those of you like me, who suffer with COPD, you know that well, heat can make you cough. So, Hubby installed air conditioning in our home which helped immensely, but then work.....well, I work part time at a charity fundraising joint, & on Tuesday it was extremely hot in there, which lead me to once again, yep, dare I say, coughing.....!!! & so, I was on the phone, raising funds for Hospice, & started a coughing fit, & voila'...Crack!! OUCH!!! Yep, a rib cracked.....O, the agony!! I had to leave immediately, & have been in bed since. I am SO angry! I was doing SO well! & now, another set back! But, you know, if life has taught me 1 thing....I have learned way more than that, lol, but in any case, if life has taught me anything, it's that these set backs are usually things out of our control, yes, but they are also life lessons we are to learn in Life's journey. We may not understand them, or like them, but usually it's for some unforeseen reason we have them. I think for me, it's God really doesn't want me working. He wants me back at writing, since, when I work, I seem to neglect that comepletely, usually only gathering my strength for my Employer. But, as we all know, it's hard nowadays, on just 1 person's income. & although my Husband makes way more than me, & we now have our latest book out, "From Screams to Whispers".....I just hate sitting at home & doing what I feel is nothing. &, for another truth, try telling my Husband that I'm supposed to stay He doesn't believe in, I don't know what to do, I'm caught in a constant struggle & battle with God with me physically, & I'm SO tired of the pain! But, on the other hand, Gos doesn't have to live with my husband! hahaha Why God doesn't come down & have a talk with him, I just don't know....make him see what he's trying to say. I don't know exactly why God doesn't want me working...I can only guess....but it just seems that as soon as I get better from 1 ailment or another, boom, here comes another ailment to keep me, I don't know? I would appreciate any & all comments or suggestions you may have on this matter.

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