
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Christian Poem

Good night! good night!--the golden day
    Has veiled its sunset beam,
And twilight's star its beauteous ray
    Has mirrored in the stream;--
Low voices come from vale and height,
    And murmur soft, good night! good night!

Good night!--the bee with folded wings
    Sleeps sweet in honeyed flowers,
And far away the night-bird sings
    In dreamy forest bowers,
And slowly fades the western light
    In deepening shade,--good night! good night!

Good night! good night!--in whispers low
    The ling'ring zephyr sighs,
And softly, in its dreamy flow,
    The murm'ring brook replies;
And, where yon casement still is bright,
    A softer voice has breathed good-night!

Good night!--as steals the cooling dew
    Where the young violet lies,
E'en so may slumber steal anew
    To weary human eyes,
And softly steep the aching sight
    In dewy rest--good night! good night!        - Mrs. J. C. Yule

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