
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Recipe of the day

Fruit Flan

Yield: 1- 9 inch flan – 10 servings
1 ½ cup Oat flour * 375 ml
½ cup Tapioca flour 125 ml
½ cup Semi-salted butter 100 ml
1 tbsp Sugar 15 ml
1 Egg yolk 1
1 tbsp Lemon juice 15 ml
Measure oat flour, tapioca flour and sugar into a large bowl. Cut the butter into 1 inch pieces
and add to the flour mixture. Cut the butter into the flour mixture with pastry blender or
two knives of fingers until the mixture looks like coarse sand. Add the egg yolk and lemon
juice to the butter flour mixture and mix together with a fork until the mixture begins to
hold together. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.Empty chilled pastry onto a piece of waxed
paper large enough to accommodate a 12 inch circle of rolled pastry. Cover with another
piece of waxed paper and roll out. Remove the top waxed paper and turn the pastry into a flan
pan. Slowly remove the waxed paper and fit the pastry into the pan.
Cover the pastry with a piece of parchment paper and weight it down with pastry beads.
Bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees F. Remove parchment paper and continue baking for
8 minutes.
Custard Filling
2 Eggs beaten slightly 2
1 cup Milk 250 ml
3 tbsp Sugar 45 ml
Place all ingredients in top of double boiler. Cook slowly stirring mixture. When the
mixture thickens and clings to a metal spoon,remove from heat and refrigerate until it is
completely cooled and thickened.Pour into cooled pastry shell.

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