
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Christian Poem

The gliding years have rolled along,
    And once again we come,
With greeting hand and choral song,
    To our old college-home;--
Sweet college-home! dear college-home!
    We gladly gather here,
            Old friends to greet,
            Old faces meet,
    And sing our songs of cheer!

A welcome true for those we meet,
    For those we miss, a sigh;
Of some we ne'er again may greet,
    We speak with tearful eye;
Some rest with God, whose feet once trod
    These halls with ours of yore;
            And some there are
            Who wander far
    On many a distant shore!

God, bless and keep the ones who roam,
    And us who meet again;
And lit us each for that bright home
    Where comes no parting pain;--
Oh, aid us still, thro' good or ill
    Still earnest for the right,
            With spirits true,
            To dare and do,
    With Heaven and thee in sight!

And as the lingering years go by,
And changeful seasons come,
Still let thine eye rest lovingly
    On this old college-home;--
Sweet college-home! dear college-home!
    We gladly gather here,
            Old friends to meet,
            Old faces greet,
    And sing our songs of cheer!        - Mrs. J. C. Yule

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