
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Being an Outcast

You know, for a christian, this life can sometimes be overwhelming. You feel like an outsider, because you ARE an outsider! I know, for me, I have always felt 'different', a 'loner', an 'outcast'. When I was younger, I didn't understand that, spiritually. I do now. But, as a kid, and teen, it was hard for me. I got picked on alot for not doing what everybody else was doing, or for not being like everyone else, but I just didn't want to! I'm still that way. I know now that it's because I'm a christian that I am this way. I am set apart. I am different from everybody else. I'm supposed to be! I am cut from a different cloth, so to speak, because of Jesus Christ! I am not supposed to be of this world and I'm not going to fit in. If you are a christian, and you're trying to, stop it! It's not going to happen unless you forsake your christianity. I'm not saying we have to be as aliens, but what I'm saying is, if you feel different, or not like anyone or everyone else, it's okay! You will feel that way, because the world doesn't have what you have, and unless they make Jesus their Lord and Saviour, you're going to be different because you're meant to be different! You're part of God's family and 'world'. So, don't worry about fitting in with the people here, worry if you're a christian and you DO fit in! You will be in heaven one day,with your family, and it will be so much greater than here! That's what I'm looking forward to! I could care less if I remain an outcast for the rest of my existence here on this earth! I know that I belong in heaven and I'm NOT an outcast there!

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