
Friday, July 23, 2010

So many in Need

You know, there isn't one day in my day to day life, where I don't see someone in need. These are the times I wish I was rich. Jesus commands us to help the needy, not hoard our money! I really have been thinking of ways to start some kind of charity. Yes, we have some here in my town, but it's not enough! I know it's in my heart, because God puts in our hearts specific things we are individually called to do. This is one of my callings, always has been. So, I'm researching, and trying to figure out ways to accomplish this task. I know me & my husband have already started our ministry website, but it's not enough for me. I want to eventually be able to house the homeless, feed the poor, and help people with their bills. These are the times we desperately need to be helping. If you have extra money, share it! Donate to a local charity or church, or individual that you know that's in need. It's not hard to find them. You will be rewarded greatly by God. He will be greatly pleased. And don't let the devil try & scare you from helping, as he has so many people with saying things like, 'well, how do you know they aren't buying booze with that money?", etc., well, the way I look at it is, if they are, that's NOT your problem, I mean yes, we should be careful, but sometimes people still 'get by us' that are scammers, but if they are, well you have still done a good thing & God will reward you. Let Him deal with it. Just don't keep from helping because you're scared to help. God will guide you to the right people, just ask Him.

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