
Monday, July 26, 2010

Praise Him all the time

I know it's hard, but we have to! Praise God through the bad times as well as the good. It's easy to love Him and praise Him when everything is going well in your life, but when things start going bad, we tend to let ourselves sink into depression and we start asking God why? That's NOT what we should be doing! Like Job, and David, and Paul, etc.,etc., throughout the bible, you will find, that no matter what, when people are going through things, they never blamed God, never gave up on God, and continued praising God! I, myself, have been through several, several bad things in my life, and those are the times I get closer with God. Sometimes He allows things to happen to us for just that reason. So we will look only to Him, draw closer to Him, and see that only He IS there! Other times it is to test our faith, so we can go on to something greater. But, no matter what you're going through, look up, draw God in closer and be thankful and praise, praise, praise Him!!

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