
Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Online Ministry

As I've posted, we have a new website:
We are doing an online ministry. We are posting weekly sermons, daily scriptures, prayers, & we're counseling the needy. Counseling for whomever needs it & needs someone to talk with, we're here:
This online ministry was something both me & my husband felt led of the Lord to start. It is for anyone, especially the ones who can't or don't go to church for whatever reason. Eventually, we want to be able to reach the community, by helping the poor. That's always been my desire. To help people pay their bills, give food, maybe even lodging, but we wanted to at least start this site first, because we both felt God telling us to. Please share the word, & let everyone know. We are NOT asking for anything from anyone, God will help us help people. But, we know there are alot of people who are on the internet, & they need prayer, or counseling, or just to hear God's word, & we are trying to do that. Pray for us, that this reaches whoever it needs to.

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