
Tuesday, July 27, 2010


We've all had them, thorns. Like Paul in the bible, he had one that he said God never took away from him. That he had to suffer with it. Most of us have had that same thing. I know I have. I have had a particular 'thorn' in my flesh for quite a while, and every time I start to think it's gone away, it digs in a little deeper. But, even though I get frustrated, angry, depressed, etc., over this particular 'thorn', I always come back to the realization that God is still with me, no matter what!! I cannot and will NOT let this 'thorn' or any other get to me!! It's just NOT going to happen! I struggle, just like everyone else with anger, depression, other issues when life gets me down, but I'm not as bad as I used to be. I used to tak days, even weeks, to come out of it, but thank God, literally, no more!! Now, maybe a couple of hours. I want to get to the point where it doesn't affect me at all.....My point in telling/sharing all of this with you, is that no matter what you're going through, no matter what 'thorns' you have to deal with, never give up on God, never stop believing and that you will come out of it okay!! Your 'thorn' may be there for the rest of your life, like with Paul, but so is God!! And He will help you deal with it!

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