
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Recipe of the day

2 lb bonito tuna
3/4 cup olive oil
2 small onions, finely chopped
2 green bell peppers, seeded and chopped
1 lb potatoes, cut into chunks
4 dried red bell peppers, soaked for 12 hours
Tuna and Potato Casserole Recipe at
Remove the skin and bones of the bonito, then cut into chunks.
Heat the oil in a heatproof casserole and fry the onions and green bell peppers over low heat until they start to soften. Add the potatoes, fry gently, then add enough water to cover. Cook for 30 minutes.
Saute the bonito in a small amount of oil in a skillet. Transfer to the casserole, add a little salt and cook for 10 minutes. Puree the dried red bell peppers and add to the casserole. Check the seasoning, then remove from the heat and allow to rest for a few minutes. Serve hot.

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