
Friday, September 24, 2010

Word of the Day

The rainstorm had been terrific. Torrents of rain had fallen, drenching everything. Now, the clouds began to part. Shafts of bright sunlight stretched to the earth, causing all foliage to sparkle with droplets of water. On the horizon, a rainbow stretched from earth to earth. The clouds climbed high into the sky, turning rosy pink with the sunlight. God's creation gives testimony to His truth all the time. All His wonders unfold through the course of one day. From the sunrise through the course of one day. From the sunrise through nighttime starshine, God's glories unfold. Take time to view God's handiwork. Search the daytime skies and see the majesty of the Almighty. His hand is ever upon His creation.
Prayer: All praise and hone belongs to You, Lord. For the magnificent works of Your hands. You have made such beauty, and You have loved us enough to share it. Thank You, Father, Amen.

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