
Thursday, June 24, 2010


Okay, I have been asked this question over & over again, & I'm going to 'try' & answer as best I can....why don't I do booksignings?? Because, honestly, I don't want to....My Publisher & Agent hate me for it, by the way, but I am NOT a 'public' person! This,(the web), is about as 'public' as I'm ever going to be....& I'm only doing this because of my Publisher, Agent, & some Author Friends ideas on this subject, suggesting their last attempts at getting me to 'get out there'!! Don't get me wrong, I will be more than happy to talk with you here, or facebook/twitter/via email, etc...etc..., as I have in the past on my old website & blog, & Myspace...but I just am not the type of person who can go out into the public eye & be around alot of it 'stagefright' if you will....but unfortunately, that's me....sorry :-(...I don't mean to upset anyone, I never have, but I like my privacy. I don't really like talking in crowds or being in the 'spotlight'. So, once again, I have hopefully answered your question on this matter.....Don't hate me for being shy :-)

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