
Friday, June 18, 2010

Hello!! ;-)

Hello Everyone! ;-) Today is friday, June 18th...I finally made a new website & blog since I've been asked to over & over & hadn't until now...(I'm too stubborn to be 'pushed' into anything), here, I had the idea that my Husband (& He's my best friend as well), Joseph, could join me....I'll be posting something each day, thoughts, fav recipes, fav scriptures, maybe even a new poem, not daily, but weekly :-)....I've been trying for a year now to get a new book out, but I've started about 8 books, & I end up throwing them they say, "You are your own worst critic"...that is so true...anyway...don't know what I'm going to do next...I would like to really take my time this time writing....not being pushed & hurried to make a deadline...where's the 'creativity' in that?? I think it's the worst!! Too much pressure!! So, that's what's going on for now....Join me on this daily journey......I think it will be fun!!,Angel

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