
Monday, June 21, 2010

Ice Mountain

my wife is a homebody that i love very much im trying to break her of this, me on the other hand am out going, well i wanted to tell about a special place called ice mountain its located in capon bridge west virginia when you ride in to this place the starting point its a little, creepy all the houses are abandoned, an old a ghost town except for a horse in a stable who seems to be angry as we sat waiting for our guide. we looked in the house at the starting of the trail there was furniture in it still but no life,(My wife told me she could see 2 ghosts in the window, & that was why the horse was upset) then our guide showed up she told us the house was haunted(which my wife had just told me!!) in the upper room the last people that lived there never let the kids go in the one room for that reason our guide was very pleasant and insightful. i didnt think we would be able to make the trip because angi's foot was hurting and she decided to wear flip flops the guide said she didnt want to med vac another person out of here which had happened just a few weeks earlier,but my brave wife pushed on. As we reached the top of the knoll, we saw
a flock of wild turkeys, our guide told us about the vegetation and how the native plants were being pushed out by the foreign ones like the plant that the state butterfly eats and makes cocoons. efforts are being made to stop this attack, as we walked on we saw some trees beavers had been chewing on a few trees but not the hemlock pines; these trees we found out were under attack too, and were getting treated. before going up we had to dust our selfs off first incase we were carring things harmful for the we approched the cold vents we started seeing the hemlocks the cold vents were very cooling on a hot day you want to stay for awhile. I expected it to be ice but the cool vents were nice, the guide told us its much colder a little deeper in; scientist have tryed to explain this but can not. the mountain was used by the indians as a freezer- it was sacred for them. This was an awesome & memorable experience, we're definately going back!!!



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